1. UlizaHOW? is a registered trademark of Mavuno Business System in conjuction with Newlope Contents. An intermediary between a Fund-Seeker in Kenya and a Generous-Funder abroad, it operates online with a liaison office located at Impala House, Mlolongo town.

2. A Generous-Funder is a member of The Giving Hands Consortium, a private, US-based, voluntary, membership, umbrella organization of individuals funders, spread across North America, Europe and Australia, who are large/medium-scale business owners or associates, committed to alleviating poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa by financially assisting individuals, with small amount of money to start or boost their small-scale businesses.

3. UlizaHOW? has been appointed as an official intermediary for The Giving Hands Consortium in Kenya. Therefore, any Fund-Seeker who wants to get connected with a Generous-Funder, must pass through UlizaHOW? for validation.

4. A Fund-Seeker is anyone aged 18-year old and above, living in Kenya, who is looking for a financial help to start or boost their micro or small business.

5. A Fund-Seeker who's looking for a financial help for other purposes such as hospital bill, school fee, church works, community project etc, cannot be served by UlizaHOW?.

6. To make a request for a financial help, a Fund-seeker must reach UlizaHOW?'s homepage and click on a green button entitled "SUBMIT REQUEST." This is done by logging in directly to www.ulizahow.com or simply by google search "Ulizahow."

7. Requirements for a Fund-Seeker:

7.1. An email address. Communication between a Fund-seeker and their Generous-Funder is done strictly through email.

7.2. A bank account. A Generous-Funder will always fund a Fund-Seeker through a bank account. No any other money transfer channel will be applied.

7.3. A stamp. A label of trust meant to validate a Fund-Seeker's request for a financial help. It assures a Generous-Funder that the request for a financial help from a Fund-Seeker they don't know is genuine. Therefore a Generous-Funder will be convinced that a Fund-Seeker has been vetted and will be confident to reply and to keep corresponding with them.

8. A stamp costs KES 100. It's bought once when a Fund-Seeker is making and sending in their request to a selected Generous-Funder which is done within the system of UlizaHOW?. Purchase of stamp is done through Lipa Na M-Pesa Buy Goods Till Number 918477. Payment is credited to Mavuno Business System.

9. A stamp can also be borrowed by a Fund-Seeker. This allows them to connect with a selected Generous-Funder but they cannot correspond with them. To be able to correspond with their selected Generous-Funder, a Fund-Seeker must pay for the borrowed stamp first.

10. When making their request to their Generous-Funder, a Fund-Seeker must (1). Introduce themselves, (2). Describe their business and (3). State the amount of money they require in US dollars. This amount must be between US$50 and 380.

11. If a Fund-Seeker fails to validate their request with a stamp, their request shall be rejected, since the M-pesa code received after purchasing the stamp through the above Till Number is automatically the stamp receipt number. A Fund-Seeker who has borrowed a stamp, will be provided with a temporary stamp receipt number which will be replaced automatically with the real stamp receipt number once they pay for the stamp they borrowed.

12. Once their request is delivered successfully, a Fund-Seeker should expect a reply, through email, from their selected Generous-Funder within 2 to 7 days.

13. If, for more than 7 days, still a Fund-Seeker hasn't received any reply from their selected Generous-Funder, they should contact the Liaison Officer at UlizaHOW? on email: ask@ulizahow.com or WhatsApp: +254 748 923 946.

14. Once a Fund-Seeker receives a reply to their request, they can now stay in touch, corresponding with their prospective Generous-Funder.

15. A Fund-Seeker can make as many requests as they wish. They can still get connected to the same Generous-Funder with different requests. They can get connected to all Generous-Funders with different requests, as long as each request is validated through UlizaHOW? with a stamp bought or borrowed.

16. Communication between a Fund-seeker and their Generous-Funder is done INDEPENDENTLY from UlizaHOW?. It's the responsibility of a Fund-seeker to meet the expectations of their Generous-Funder in order to get the financial help needed. Just because UlizaHOW? connects a Fund-Seeker with a Generous-Funder, doesn't mean that a Fund-Seeker will automatically get the financial help they need. A Fund-Seeker must be proactive, convincing and mostly must pass with success a Biz-Test from their Generous-Funder.

17. A Biz-Test is the main procedure all Generous-Funders follow to have their Fund-Seekers qualify for their respective financial helps. It's a smart quiz generated from what a Fund-Seeker presented as their business.

18. UlizaHOW? shall not be liable for the failure of a Fund-Seeker to get a financial help from their Generous-Funder.

19. All Generous-Funders operate independently from each other but they're all under the auspices of their umbrella organization "The Giving Hands Consortium."

20. Once a Fund-Seeker qualify for a financial help from their Generous-Funder, the following happens:

(1). Their Generous-Funder will ask them for their bank details.

(2). Their Generous-Funder will instruct UlizaHOW? to serve the Funder-Seeker with their money.

(3). UlizaHOW? will automatically contact the Fund-Seeker and then deposit the money to their bank account through M-Pesa paybill.

(4). The Fund-Seeker who's now Fund-Recepient acknowledges receipt of their financial help both to UlizaHOW? and to their Generous-Funder.


21. By clicking on the green button "SUBMIT REQUEST", a Fund-Seeker agrees to these terms and conditions.∎