UlizaHOW? DOES NOT collect your name, nor your title, nor your current location, nor your race and ethnicity, nor your political or religious affiliation, nor your credit card information, nor any information related to your partner/s, friends, and family members. 

UlizaHOW? only collects your sms phone number to be able to send you an sms notification when your selected Generous-Funder replies to your request for a financial help. Note that, this is optional. If you want to receive an sms notification then you have to provide an sms phone number but if you don't want to receive an sms notification then you shall not provide an sms phone number.

Among the three mandatory requirements,

(1) Email address. Your email address is collected while making and sending in your request, for the purpose of enabling communication between you and your Generous-Funder which is done strictly through email. Your communication with your Generous-Funder is CONFIDENTIAL. UlizaHOW? has no clue about it.

(2) Bank account. UlizaHOW? will never collect your bank details. This information will be needed by your Generous-Funder if you qualify for their financial help.

(3) Stamp. You'll purchase a stamp, at Ksh 100, to validate your request. The purchase is done through Lipa Na M-pesa which doesn't require UlizaHOW? to collect any financial information from you. At this stage, which is still part of making your request, UlizaHOW? only collects your request which is needed by your Generous-Funder to act upon.